Maccess helps to analyse data in the databases. Maccess is a web inteface to an SQL server. As a matter of fact it is a software located between your SQL server and your web browser. This software enables a setting of various queries which may be solved consequently by means of the SQL server. Then the SQL server will send the results to Maccess.
click here (User name: demo; Password: demo)
For install instruction see file INSTALL from tar.gz package.
License: GPL
Maccess 1.9.3-1 - 2004-02-13, 256kB
Maccess 1.9.2-1 - 2004-01-30, 255kB
Maccess 1.9.1-1 - 2004-01-12, 254kB
Maccess - user guide (czech) 1.9.3-1 - 2005-03-02, 2MB
Maccess - user guide (czech) 1.9.1-1 - 2004-01-12, 2MB
Maccess 1.7.10 - 2001-03-06, 125kB
Maccess 1.7.8 - 2001-01-02, 123kB
Maccess - snadna prace s databazemi - (czech only)
Maccess on Freshmeat
Marek Chlup <>